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GetSavvi Health Wrapped! 🎁

Product info

Has it been a year already? We almost didn’t notice the time passing ‘cause we were too busy doing what we love most: providing good people of South Africa with quality day-to-day healthcare.

Here’s GetSavvi Health Wrapped 2022

We provided our members with:

We’re here to service South Africans to improve their health, physically or mentally.

Thank you to each and every GetSavvi Health staff - we call them our Savvi Ambassadors - who helped to make this year a gift.

Would you like to become a GetSavvi Health member?

We advise that you speak to a consultant so that we can explain our plan options in detail. If you’d like to learn more, click here.

Words from the CEO, Wayne Moosa on the future

GetSavvi Health is determined to continue to offer our members value for their money through holistic health benefits.

We have developed our offerings and plans with them in mind.

“Our plans and benefits aim to speak directly to your unique health journey and what you require at each life stage.”

Wherever you’re planning to go on your summer vacation, The GetSavvi Health team wishes you a safe and enjoyable summer break spent with your loved ones.

Keep healthy!
Wayne and the GetSavvi Health team.

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#1: 6 Things you did NOT know about GetSavvi Health
There are a few things that seemingly go under the radar. So this time out we’re shining the light on six things you probably didn’t know about GetSavvi Health, and how they are pretty awesome for our members.

#2: Medication Explained: Is it Chronic, Acute or Generic?
When deciphering the hieroglyphics that your doctor has scribbled across your script, there are a couple of important things you should know about the difference between the terms chronic, acute and generic.

#3: 10 Preventative Health Tests That Could Change Your Life
If you’ve ever wondered about what you could possibly do to ensure you’re in for a healthy life, then these are the 10 tests for you.