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Parenthood and the Price of Admission

Pregnancy & Toddlers

Becoming a parent, especially for the first time, is a very special and privileged experience. And while most experiences are generally aimed around the destination, parenthood is most definitely all about the journey.

After all, you’ve just been through the journey that is pregnancy, including all costs that go with that, so things are definitely about to get easier on your wallet now, right?

Unfortunately not! Let's take a look at the things you need to keep in mind as your bundle of joy grows up.

Up to the “terrible twos”

Congratulations! You’re officially a parent. It’s one of the best feelings imaginable, and probably one of the most life-defining ones possible. In fact, it will define your life for as long as you live. You’ll never stop being a mom or dad!

 You might have thought pregnancy and giving birth was expensive, but luckily, if you’re a member of the Primary Care Plan and Primary Care Plan +, you would have been helped along the way with extensive Maternity Benefits. The real expenses start now, from newborn to around two years old being an ever-increasing financial strain on your wallet.

Costs you might not have considered, like:

  • Getting set up to have a little one, from all the gadgets to the clothing
  • Nappies. So many nappies
  • Various medical items to help keep your baby happy and healthy

From there on it’s the constant new clothing as your baby outgrows things almost daily, and the medical expenses that come with being a newborn.

Regular check-ups with your GP, not to mention the odd ER visit, means that you’ll be wanting to utilise your GetSavvi Health daily benefits as much as you can. One to remember: you have 24/7 telephonic access to certified medical professionals, so if you have a question, or feel like something is wrong with your child, you can quickly call for advice and set your mind at ease. Calls like this can save you thousands in trips to the doc!

A proper little person

From ages three to six you’re really dealing with a proper little person. Not only is the little guy running all over the show but is also enjoying telling you exactly how they feel, day and night.

Some expenses to consider during these early years are:

  • Increased food intake
  • Again, constant clothing changes
  • Birthday presents
  • Pre-school fees
  • Nanny or home- or day-care for your child

Along with the ability to run, jump and probably ride a bicycle will, unfortunately, come with its fair share of bumps and bruises. While kids are pretty hardy, you might want to keep your 24/7 Netcare 911 emergency response on speed dial. All GetSavvi Health members have access to this benefit, and it can literally be a lifesaver.

The wonder years

From the age of six you get to send the little terror off to “big school”. This is a time for learning, making friends and growing. So much growing up.

Junior school will see your precious little one not only grow out of school shoes annually but need a new uniform to boot.

Some financial decisions you might need to make:

  • School fees
  • School uniforms and stationery
  • Extramural activities that might require equipment
  • Transportation to and from school
  • School lunches

While learning to kick a soccer ball and tear around the school playground with their best friends, your child will also be needing all the regular check-ups with your GP.

With your GetSavvi Health FeelBetterFast benefit you can skip the trips to the doc for certain things, and visit one of our partnered pharmacies instead. A nurse or pharmacist will be on hand to assist with all the things a young, fast-growing kid might need.

Terrible teens

So, you’ve probably been told by your parents how terrible you were in your teens. And, I bet you didn’t believe them for a second. Well, you get to experience it all over again, just from the other side of the fence.

Teenagers can be difficult people, in every sense of the word, but they also don’t get any cheaper:

  • High school fees
  • More new uniforms and shoes (although hopefully at a slower rate!)
  • School camps and external experiences
  • Mod-cons like cellphones, designer clothes and general activities
  • Food (teenage boys eat so much food)

The things you won’t need to worry about, thankfully, are their eyes and teeth! All GetSavvi Health members have access to basic dentistry benefits, and can top-up with optometry and unlimited dentistry, so you can ensure that, when they do occasionally smile at you, it’s a lovely smile. 

Varsity blues and beyond

And after high school comes varsity.

And this one is a tough one:

  • Tertiary school fees
  • Driving lessons
  • Costs of travel, potentially overseas
  • A car or motorbike
  • House setup costs like furniture, cutlery, crockery

While not everyone is lucky enough to attend university or college, all GetSavvi Health members can keep some costs down with thousands of rands in grocery and pharmacy coupons every month. 

Check out GetSavvi Health if you want to know more about any of the benefits mentioned above, simply call us on 0861 18 92 02, email talktous@getsavvi.co.za or fill in the Get A Quote form and an agent will get back to you shortly.

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