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Pregnancy Milestones (Part 1)

Pregnancy & Toddlers

Pregnancy, regardless of whether or not it's your first child, is filled with milestones to take note of. Almost every week brings its own unique first moments that shape the entire experience and your connection to your child.

These lasting memories can be fun and exciting, each forming part of this nine-month journey towards meeting your little one. And they all start with the first trimester…

First Trimester

1. The test

You’ll most likely start with this one. Suspecting that you might be pregnant is totally different to actually seeing that you really are. You’ll probably use one of those home kits, maybe do a couple to be absolutely sure. However, you’ll want to head to your GP for final confirmation just to make sure that’s it’s really happening.

But this is when the fun really starts. It’s a new beginning... and an exciting one! Your first official milestone – and you’ve got so many more to look forward to.

2. Telling your partner – and your immediate family

You’re going to want to tell the ones closest to you first, but starting with the one you’ll be doing the parenting job with for the rest of your lives is probably number one on the list. Then mom and dad, brother and sister, and future great-grandparents probably come next, but that’s entirely up to you.

Many choose to wait to tell others after three months as the risk of miscarriage drops drastically. However, when you tell family and friends is totally up to you.

3. Choosing the right doctor

Choosing a doctor for your pregnancy is almost as big a deal as picking a name... almost. They’re going to see your pregnancy through with you for nine months so selecting the right doctor is vital.

4. In sickness and in health

Around the first trimester, you can expect to experience morning sickness, bringing with it a likely change in diet. You might start getting weird cravings that you thought only happened in the movies, and (sadly) you might even start hating your favourite food/s.

Your first trimester brings many new and exciting experiences. However, in your second and third trimester, you’ll start feeling your baby kick, so start preparing the baby room and prepare for D-day.

Read the second part of Pregnancy Milestones by clicking here.

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Pregnancy is truly a wonderful time and one you should treasure and enjoy. But this happy time also brings with it financial strain.

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Pregnancy Milestones by Trimester
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