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What You Need to Know About Being Immunocompromised


The immune system is an unsung hero within our bodies, ceaselessly working to shield us from potential invaders.

It functions as our body's defense squad, relentlessly fighting off germs, viruses and other intruders that threaten our well-being.

Imagine it as a fortified fortress with an army of soldiers, continuously on guard, prepared to confront any unwelcome guests.

However, there are times when this defense squad is not as robust as it should be.

Immunocompromised individuals have immune systems that aren’t functioning at full capacity. There are various reasons for this, and it can affect anyone, regardless of age.

Factors contributing to a compromised immune system:

  • Age: In youth, the immune system is still in development, while as we age, it weakens, making us more susceptible to infections and illnesses.
  • Chronic diseases: Conditions such as HIV, diabetes, lupus or multiple sclerosis (MS) can compromise the effectiveness of the immune system, leaving the body vulnerable to infections.
  • Lifestyle choices: Smoking and excessive alcohol use can significantly impact the immune system, making the body more prone to illness.
  • Medical treatments: Intensive medical treatments such as chemotherapy, used to treat cancer, can severely affect the immune system.

Those living with immunocompromised conditions necessitates extra caution to prevent falling ill.

Everyday activities can pose risks, from simple things like being around someone with a cold to managing minor cuts and scratches.

For those affected, it's not merely about combating a common cold – even a simple infection can escalate into a serious health concern.

GetSavvi with your health today!

GetSavvi Health is a leading medical insurance provider in South Africa, offering comprehensive cover that financially protects families when encountering health issues. So sign up today and get covered.

To sign up with us, click here or send an email to apply@getsavvi.co.za. We advise that you speak to a consultant so that we can explain our benefits and plan options in detail.